WorldMap - Travel Photo Blog WordPress Elementor Theme

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Created: Oct 11, 2018

Updated: Sep 24, 2024

ID: 73680

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WorldMap - Travel Photo Blog WordPress Elementor Theme - Features Image 1WorldMap - Travel Photo Blog WordPress Elementor Theme - Features Image 2WorldMap - Travel Photo Blog WordPress Elementor Theme - Features Image 3WorldMap - Travel Photo Blog WordPress Elementor Theme - Features Image 4WorldMap - Travel Photo Blog WordPress Elementor Theme - Features Image 5WorldMap - Travel Photo Blog WordPress Elementor Theme - Features Image 6WorldMap - Travel Photo Blog WordPress Elementor Theme - Features Image 7

Fashionable Travel Blog Website Using The Hottest Wordpress Theme

A great variety of capacities and features are now available with the travel blog website template powered by WordPress. The combination of modern design and functionality makes this template the best of its kind. This theme will be useful both for travel bloggers, who already have wide audience in social networks and for those who are only making their first steps in blogging.

The simplest way to tell people about who you are and what is your hobby is to create a website. With the help of the travel blog website template sharing thoughts and emotions becomes so much easier. All the possibilities are gathered in the theme, you are only supposed to choose the topic and get a template!

Take a Look at the Wide Functionality

There are a few already made pages available. First and foremost, if you want to make a good impression, it’s quite important to build a home page in a proper way. The one provided with the travel blog website template includes a couple of smart posts built with the Elementor plugin. In the sidebar of the page, the Instagram widget and the field for subscription are placed.

At the about us, page subscribers may find a few more information about your personality. Meanwhile, the contact us page of the travel blog website template provides viewers with your phone number or email. It has a subscription field and the Google map widget is also available. In addition, on this page people can leave you a message.

The most attractive feature of the travel blog website template is the ability to combine your posts into various categories. The drag and drop menu allows people to find the needed section. Moreover, using Jet plugins you can make your menu more interactive. Add an image, a video or even a post on your menu.

Feel Free to Text Us

The travel blog website template provides the opportunity to add or replace not only elements, such as images, videos or text blocks. You can also add or edit existing pages. If you need any help in working with the theme, text our support team anytime and they will answer you in a few minutes.


September 24, 2024:

  • Minor bugs fixed.

WorldMap (March 27, 2024):

  • Minor bugs fixed.

5 Reviews for this product

funciona correctamente y el proceso de instalación ha sido sencillo
Шаблон просто супер! Заказали шаблон сразу с установкой, и нам сделали все качественно и довольно быстро. Теперь будем только так шлепать сайты)) Сам шаблон настраивается очень легко, конструктор настраивается просто. Можно добавить сайтбары, что для нас было важно, так как в демо был только 1 сайтбар. Навигация удобная, приятная расцветка! В общем именно то, что хотели! Сейчас еще присматриваем шаблон)
O template é muito lindo e apesar de ainda não conseguir instalar estou muito contente com a compra que realizei no site. Tenho um blog de viagem pela América do Sul e o tema vai valorizar meus artigos, expondo melhor minhas fotos e disponibilizando com melhor organização meus textos na página inicial. Pelo que vejo eu posso separar por categorias na página inicial e isso é incrível pra mim, porque posso expor melhor textos que não são os melhores indexados pelo Google, aumentando assim as chances de leitura desses textos. O WorldMap é um tema claro, com cara de portal, que era o que eu estava realmente precisando!
Отличный, многофункциональный шаблон! Прост в управлении, легко настраивается.
Good product) Recommend you with plugins and see tools! Have a good day)

2 Comments for this product

привет! я купил "On The Road - Travel Blog №67186" это одинаковое продукт. но по совместимости с серверами кажется обновленная. я бы хотел скачать этот продукт. как я могу это сделать?
Здравствуйте! Мы выслали последнюю версию шаблона Вам на электронную почту. Если у Вас будут какие-то вопросы по-поводу апдейта, используйте наш 24/7 чат.
привет! я купил "On The Road - Travel Blog №67186" но я хочу сказать этот продукт обновленный
Спасибо за ответ! Мы рады,что продукт вам нравится! Спасибо за сотрудничество!

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