Heavy Handlers - Transportation & Moving Company WordPress Theme

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Created: Feb 2, 2017

Updated: Mar 16, 2020

ID: 62117

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Heavy Handlers - Transportation & Moving Company WordPress Theme - Features Image 1Heavy Handlers - Transportation & Moving Company WordPress Theme - Features Image 2Heavy Handlers - Transportation & Moving Company WordPress Theme - Features Image 3Heavy Handlers - Transportation & Moving Company WordPress Theme - Features Image 4Heavy Handlers - Transportation & Moving Company WordPress Theme - Features Image 5Heavy Handlers - Transportation & Moving Company WordPress Theme - Features Image 6Heavy Handlers - Transportation & Moving Company WordPress Theme - Features Image 7

Look Through the Vivid And Clean Moving Company Wordpress Theme

Try to imagine the way you boost your moving company in a short period of time. How real does it seem? Believe it sounds absolutely real with the HeavyHandlers moving company WordPress theme, that can increase your client base and make a stunning promotion. If you were looking for such a theme, then grab this one and stay tuned.

Obviously, to build a top-notch and pleasing website, it’s necessary to have special skills. Although, this moving company WordPress theme doesn’t require lots of additional skills in developing thanks to a powerful drag-and-drop page builder. It allows you not to touch the code and just use flexible boxes. You will get:

  • more than 25 additional modules
  • library of presets
  • drag-and-drop functionality
  • set of configuration options

All these points are the way to the simple and exciting customization. Now you have control over your website. Along with, the effectual page builder, it comes with a live customizer. After making any changes you will see them directly on the screen in real-time. Prepare yourself to see the magic with your own eyes. No reloading pages anymore.

Pay your attention to the design, especially look at the details. Heavy Handlers moving company WordPress theme is developed according to the latest technology trends and is ready to catch your eyes.

Some more reasons to choose the Heavy Handlers moving company WordPress theme

Now you can choose any layout you want due to the large set of options, play with the preferable structures, pick the most beneficial one and save the favorite in your library, which is also inside the Heavy Handlers. The developers didn’t miss a big amount of content modules, which permit you to add the endless number of extra pages. Check the list of them below:

  • blog page;
  • countdown timer;
  • divider;
  • maps;
  • contact form;
  • blurb;
  • pricing table.

And this is not the end, the number of modules is extremely rich. Don’t miss your chance to test them all!

Any company owner wants to make the life of the customers easier, that is why moving company WordPress theme provides you with the appointment manager. This widget can save both your time and clients. Let the customers book an appointment directly on your website and feel the power. One of the best solutions to organize the schedule and stay productive as more as possible.

Moreover, the one significant thing you should be aware of is responsiveness. The Heavy Handler is fully responsive and looks amazing on any type of device or screen resolution. Be sure it’s absolutely mobile-friendly.

In addition, you will get 3 header styles and 3 footer styles. Undoubtedly, anyone will find something to his taste. Blogging is very necessary today, so for your informative and well-designed posts, there are several types of designs. Your clients will obtain 6 layouts to choose from. Here is a list of post formats to any case:

  • gallery;
  • image;
  • link;
  • video;
  • quote;
  • statues.

Altogether, to build and customize the Heavy Handlers moving company WordPress theme you just need to have a great desire to create. There are all the opportunities to promote yourself rapidly and save time. Pick the most reliable and be the best!

3 Reviews for this product

The Heavy Hanldlers theme comes with everything you need to build a quick movers website. It ships with tons of premade pages and layouts, but if none of those works for you, you can create a new pages with the help of the built in Power Builder. If you want almost complete website ready for deployment in an hour this is probably your best bet. Pros: responsive design, built-in pages Ready to use out of the box, fully customizable. Cons: Use of PowerBuilder which is not well known and some may have trouble using if its their first time with it.
Template has a lot of additional features and plugins. Good support and documentation.
This is a nice theme which you can easily adjust in the way you would desire. It is suitable for transportation websites but also for different type of sites, just as long as the structure of this theme would be suitable according to your wishes. basically it's easy to use, easy to install and configure and it includes a nice overview in regards to the services you might provide on your website. best of luck with this theme.

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